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Structures for the creation, analysis, and performance of music in Swift. Check out the documentation.


Music is a package for anyone who wants to create, analyze, and perform music in pure Swift.


🎶 Pitch

The Pitch module provides types for structuring and transforming the frequency domain.

Basic Types

swift let a440: Frequency = 440 // Hz let middleC: Pitch = 60 // MIDI note number let e = middleC + 4 // e above middle c let microtone = e - 0.25 // eighth-tone below the e above middle c let anyE = Pitch.Class(e) // pitch class 4 let anyGSharp = anyE.inverse // pitch class 8

Set Operations

swift let set: Pitch.Class.Collection = [8,0,4,6] set.normalForm // => [4,6,8,0] set.primeForm // => [0,2,4,8]

Row Transformations

swift let pcs: Pitch.Class.Collection = [0,11,3,4,8,7,9,5,6,1,2,10] pcs.retrograde // => [10,2,1,6,5,9,7,8,4,3,11,0] pcs.inversion // => [0,1,9,8,4,5,3,7,6,11,10,2]

Diatonic Intervals

swift let majorThird: DiatonicInterval = .M3 let minorSixth = majorThird.inverse let AAA3 = DiatonicInterval(.triple, .augmented, .third) let noSuchThing = DiatonicInterval(.major, .fifth) ❌ will not compile!

♬ Duration

The Duration module provides types for structuring and transforming the time domain.

Basic Types

swift let crotchet = Duration(1,4) let waltz = Meter(3,4) let stayinAlive = Tempo(100, subdivision: 4)

🎚️ Dynamics

The Dynamic module provides ways to describe musical loudness in a highly subjective way.

Swift let loud: Dynamic = .ff let quiet: Dynamic = .p let interp = Dynamic.Interpolation(from: .p, to: .ff)

🥁 Articulations

The Articulation type provides an interface to describe the way in which a given musical entity is performed.

Swift let short: Articulation = .staccato let sweet: Articulation = .tenuto let hard: Articulation = .marcato let hereIAm: Articulation = .accent

💾 MusicModel

The Model brings all of elements together from the modules contained in this package.

Swift let builder = Model.Builder() let performer = Performer(name: "Pat") let instrument = Instrument(name: "Euphonium") let voiceID = builder.createVoice(performer: performer, instrument: instrument) let pitch: Pitch = 60 let articulation: Articulation = .tenuto let dynamic: Dynamic = .fff let note = Rhythm<Event>(1/>1, [event([pitch, dynamic, articulation])]) let rhythmID = builder.createRhythm(note, voiceID: voiceID, offset: .zero) let model =


In order to use the Music package, you'll need a few things:


In order to use the Music modules in your own projects, add it to the dependencies section of your Package.swift file:

Swift let package = Package( name: ..., products: [ ... ], dependencies: [ ..., .package(url: "", from: "0.17.1") ], targets: [ ... ] )


To contribute to the Music package, clone the git repository:

git clone && cd Music

If you use the Xcode IDE on macOS, you can use SwiftPM to generate an .xcodeproj file:

swift package generate-xcodeproj


Here are some libraries in other languages that have been influential to the design of the Music package: